Well, well, well…been a while! I am truly sorry to those of you who come and check out my little corner of the internet, that I havn’t put up anything for the last 3 months. The truth of the matter is that I have been expanding my palette (and shrinking my stomach!) on the otherside of the world, the Cook Islands to be precise. It has been a wonderful journey jam packed with weird and wonderful foods and some interesting methods of obtaining said foods too! There is so much to tell it is hard to know where to start so I will start at the beginning…
For certain reasons I cannot divulge too much information, I can however tell you a few recipes I picked up on my travels. Stonefish curry springs to mind, coconut crabs, hermit crab’s backside (which can have a detrementle affect on your own!) giant sea snails, clams, oysters, loads of fish and of course coconuts themselves. I hate coconuts. I am of course lying I don’t mind them but I am certainly sick of them. Living on a desert island leaves you little opportunity to not use them, mind you I think I am as thrifty with using them now as anyone from the south pacific.
So over the next month I will dip into my desert island cookbook and toss out some gastronomic gems. If I was to tell you I had been living on the island pictured above for the last 3 months, you probably wouldn’t believe me, so I wont! Getting back to my homeland has been great, I completely missed the transition of summer to winter, but I gather our summer was more winter this year, oh well. Back to root veg and winter greens, comfort food, shepherds pie, roasts and hot pots and how could I possibly forget - GAME! I have only been back a week and already bagged a pheasant. Winter is great for a quite few reasons; pheasant, partridge, grouse, Jerusalem artichokes, purple sprouting brocolli, mulled wine and pike fishing.
For now I will say goodnight, the jetlag is calling and I cant quite remember how to use a computer. So farewell for now, I fancy some soup.