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March 26, 2009



It's sad how you really have to think about this stuff in the U.S. and the U.K. Sweden and most of the other Nordic countries have a long tradition of allemansrätt. This allows everyone to gather mushrooms, lingonberries, apples, plums, and other delicious wild foods. It also keeps up the traditions associated with the gathering. Mushroom-related poisonings are not as common here because people grow up gathering.

Nick Weston

Melissa- It is a shame, probably something to do with being such an overcrowded, small island! Mushroom poisonings do happen over here a fair bit- two women picked some Death caps last season resulting in one death and one in intensive care. Perhaps we Brits may one day grow up learning to gather wild food...

Engagement Ring Styles

My friends and I would get bored with the lack of pike action and head up to the rearing pens armed with that most notorious of childhood weaponry

Lisa Adams

I also believe that before the two individuals can ever engage in one serious life, they should have understood every single detail of the engagement.

Welcome to Morel1

engage across cultures, languages and subjectivities that are different from your own?; and 3) What is the most effective and equal way of forging partnerships with people and institutions with varying assets and needs?

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