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July 30, 2009



Mushrooms are very scarey when picked in the wild. Hope they were ok. still loving the updates. Bet you are looking a bit weathered by now. How do you think you will adapt back to life in civvy street, or are you trying not to think about that? What 1 thing have you missed the most - apart from your girlfriend?


Looking good there, thanks to Alistair Humphreys link from twitter I can now follow your blog. Good luck, my kids will be mighty jealous of your treehouse life. I will buy your book as soon as it reaches the strange world commonly referred to as real.


Looking good there. Thanks to Alistair Humphreys link from twitter I am now able to follow your blog. My kids will be mighty jealous of your treehouse life. I will buy your book as soon as it reaches this world we call real.


This is amazing! I watched the video and am in awe at how well you have made a home for yourself out there in the woods :)

Your photos are superb too!! You are living a vibrant and ecstatic life out there.

Keep up the good work! We need more ecologic people in this world :))

Atomic Shrimp

I absolutely love this blog and everything it stands for. Adding you to my links page

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