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July 09, 2009



Really nice blog this week Nick. Great photos too.

The Curious Cat

It will be interesting to see if the trap works! Keep us posted! Kind of reminds me of a roadrunner and coyote scenario...vaguely...with all the coyote's clever traps...though hopefully the pidgeon is not as clever as the roadrunner...


hi nick, hungry cyclist here. just in germany at the mo in saarsland. great wild country and plenty of wild food. more mushrooms than you can think about and wine too! would love to pop down for another visit soon. how about mid late august?

let me know tom

Air Jordans

It is your everyday life?? Wow...my god..

Nick Weston

It was...got a new adventure lined up for this year...cant wait to get started!

To: [email protected]

phoenix gun store

That is so exciting!

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