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August 05, 2009



Glad you have been getting some good company out there! I can almost smell that fresh bread, I bet it was tasty.

I'm subscribed to your blog. Love it!

Mark Yearout

Well done on the bread.

It was exciting to see you build that oven.

Excellent work coming out of it.

As always, I look forward to your adventures.




was wondering if I could come and visit/write about you for my blog...
email me at [email protected] if that's ok

The Curious Cat

Sounds like you've been having a lovely time - your friends are very good to you! xxx


I discovered this blog recently and have become addicted. Nick, you are the man!! I like the commentary, a kind of take on the naked chef idea "down to earthisms and laddish humour" combined with your own unique foraging twist. Is there anything you won't eat Nick! If I lived in London, I would try to persuade you to let me come and visit, such a cool place. But I live in Tel Aviv so that won't happen just yet. Good luck over there, awesome pad, looking fwd to the next update and the book!! You're a real adventurer living the dream!!


Hi Nick,

Loving the coracle building - navigating the mighty Medway. What a great idea. Let me know when you're doing it and I'll run down to Chiddingstone/Leigh/Tonbridge wherever and grab some pics and bring some sunstenance!

The Other Nick

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