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September 22, 2009


The Curious Cat

You should be pretty proud of what you have achieved - not many people do this! I hope you continue to use the treehouse...what will be your next project I wonder? Will you keep up the blog? xxx


Really awesome story Nick. I'm looking forward to the book. Seriously, i think the whole adventure has been well worth it. WEll done!


Brilliant - you are not too ugly - I have seen worse!!

Invisible G.

I'm sad as well. What you've done in the last 6 months is proven it can be done. Please please stay in the treehouse! Your readers demand it.


yeah, I would be happy with you living in the tree house forever... so I would have something to read on a regular basis. lol

Part of me says take down your tree house and return it to nature, and part of me says keep it and use it for scouts or something educational.


Don't go! Don't go! The real world is not worth it.


fioricet online

Well, that's freedom if you cannot find it in your home,...find something else.

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