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October 26, 2009



Nice one mate!


Do you think you will miss the treehouse? Because it looks really cosy, like you've sorted it out in a very homely way. So what's next....? You'll bring a van down, put all your stuff in it and that will be it?

What's the next stage of your life hold?


Sad times ahead....:-(
The TreesHouse is home and I will miss it very much. I worry my Fiance will be missing a piece when I next see him....don't be too sad. Enjoy what you had a remember the amazing memories and look forward to what is next.


I'll miss your adventure and updates - they kept me going through the humdrum of my boring working week.

The Curious Cat

Maybe you can go back again one year? Maybe you can incorporate something from this living into your new life in the future? xxx

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