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October 11, 2009


Jessica Gray

Aw, why are you leaving the treehouse? Does it get cold?


First comment finally. ;-)


How lovely that there are still tiny signs of your childhood there for you to find ... the lichen a sign of the clean clear air. Unsurprising that you have put your early lessons to such an interesting use. What next?


The Curious Cat

A rather nostalgic entry...there is something about those old planks of wood and moss covered bricks that makes me feel sad. A time gone by - little signs left of it, of human activity, a bit like Roman ruins make me feel...

I can clearly see the change of season is getting to you from this entry...still there is something haunting about it, something important and meaningful...it is always good to stop and look back, reflect a little and see how far we have come. xxx


So sad to hear what the newcommers have done to your family home - sounds like a scrap man bought it!! Do you think that you got SAD because you were living closer to nature than usual? I think some people dont even notice the changes of the seasons.


Nice website! Enjoyed your posts!

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