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November 01, 2009



Congratulations. I really admire you for this Nick and its been tremendous fun being kept up to date directly from a "guy up a tree"... mazaltov!!


wow! It's inspirational what you have done, maybe you can be a carpenter now and build bespoke treehouses ;) My fave part of your post was about you coming to France, we all can't wait to meet you and I know someone who will be very happy indeed! Good luck with your book.


This post brought a tear to my eye. Looking forward to the next chapter!!!

The Curious Cat

Oh! Will you keep blogging? I'll miss your entries! What a wonderful thing you have done - I have enjoyed very much following your adventures...and I know exactly what you mean about the city sucking out your soul...I count the days to when I can leave next year...but congratulations! I'm so glad you did this and I discovered your blog. I look forward to seeing the book in Waterstones in the near future! xxx


Wow, what an experience.


Well done you...I wonder if you will cope with civvy street? Or yearn for the trees? Will you soon be subsumed into living indoors, watching tv, and having the life force sucked out of you?
It's like coming back from a long travel...you think everything will change...but little by little...you go back to our lazy 'civilised' lifestyle.
I so wish I could have come to see you in your treehouse, it's been a dream of mine to live in one, plus a boat. You've made yours so beautiful...

Alan Buckle

Wonderful conclusion to your absorbing blog... though I suspect, not the end! Here's to your book and then your next project. Your audience awaits.

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