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February 07, 2010


Alastair Humphreys


The Curious Cat

Gosh, weren't you freezing? What did you do to pass the time besides Blackadder? I wish I was more comfortable with my own company...maybe it is a lesson to be learnt...I have such a vivid imagination too...I'd probably be scared of pill box ghosties!! xxx


I hate to say it, but didn't it pen and ink in there a bit?? I get the impression that its also used as a toilet now and then...

Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes

Wow what an adventurous day you had there. :)


Didn't it stink of sh1t?


Love it. What a fantastic idea. If you need company on a future micro adventure let it be noted that I am well up for it.

Nick Weston

Thanks for the comments chaps and chapesses.

It didn't stink in there as it was way out in the sticks, I cooked, i read and slept and tried not to think about pillbox ghosts...whisky helped the fear subside!


The pictures remind me a lot of The Blair Witch Project house.

robert twigger

brilliant stuff- but, if you want-check out my blog at roberttwigger.com for my blogpost on micro adventures v macro adventures- also if you're interested my novel Dr Ragab's universal language has a whole chapter on pillboxing- for the super keen there is a book called 'pillboxes' by henry wills which lists all their locations and a pillbox way across southern england.

Nick Weston

Thanks for the comment- will check out the book, rather intrigued by Real men eat puffer fish...

To: [email protected]

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