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May 12, 2011



love the blog and the colourful discriptions (ie. retarded Quasimodo)
i'm vegan (only because i was vegi for 17 years then developed a bastard milk allergy recently.)
and i would kill for one of these braeburn ploughmans apples. really i would.
i spent this morning trying to find wild garlic (for pesto) in my local woods, it must be the only large wood without WG i'v seen. (i forage because i'm skint, also enjoyable of course)
ended up coming home with dandelion roots to make coffee instead.


I understand that once Wild Garlic has flowered it smell of garlic, but that's about it. I'm only seeing the flowered stuff now.

Opened your nettle beer recipe at the Queen's Park Farmer's Market on Sunday. People responded really well, even though I used baker's yeast hence a brown colour.


You have a great blog here and your posts are inspirational, keep it up..

Paul Kirtley


Good luck with the 'cavemanning'. I hope your hands are well conditioned for hand-drill by now...

All the best


The Curious Cat

Wicked entry! And I'm so sorry I missed your do at Ms Marmites - gutted isn't a strong enough word but the CELTA is gruelling! Love the apple idea - could you bake it too do you think? xxx

Nick Weston

Doesnt bake well- goes a bit greeeeeeasy!

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